Corruption continues in Phoenix

Time to take back Phoenix from Mayor Phil Gordon and his corrupt minions.

Don’t Tax Our Food Is one such organization among many trying to reign in the imbecilic Mayor Gordon and the sellouts and elitists of the Phoenix City Council (PCC). One way or another, the voters will make them suffer for their arrogance and temerity. You don’t screw the poor and working class citizens over without facing retribution especially when the budget problems are the fault of the elitists on the council mismanaging the city into the dirt.

I personally hoping some recall initiatives are started against all who supported the tax so we can throw the bums out of office and let them feel what it is like for the average person to have their voice silenced or ignored by elitist scum like them.

Better still pass a law requiring citizen’s approval of all tax increases and budget decisions. After all politicians from the local level on up to the Federal government have repeatedly proven they are incapable of managing even the most simple of budgets. If they can’t do that, they certainly deserve no final decision on budget matters.

I’m looking forward to exerting some electorate rage at the ballot box.

Regime Change 2010! (2011 and 2013 for the scumbags at PCC if they don’t get recalled first)

Credit Checks for Employment

States may ban credit checks on job applicants – U.S. business-

It’s strange in a way to see an issue I’ve talked about since the mid-1990s with my friends and family now becoming so prevalent. The issue: credit score checks being used as employment screening. For years, I’ve been warning those around me that credit scores were going to be used to commit economic discrimination against people. Now, apparently many more believe this to be the case as well, enough so that a number of states may ban credit checks on job applications. It’s about time.

I agree credit checks should be in place for those seeking employment in the financial and security fields, but fail to see how credit checks apply to the overwhelming majority of jobs. There’s no real recourse for the job seeker. It’s not like you can really refuse the credit check since most employers will simply pass you over in favor of looking over someone else who is more submissive. Employers may not admit that outright, but for those intent on snooping on their potential employees they’ll simply move on to another applicant and perhaps try to question your honesty and integrity in an attempt to shame you into acquiescence and surrender of your privacy.

For that matter, the justification behind such credit checks by some that it is a mark of the potential employee’s character, integrity, or skill is nonsense and a sophomoric conclusion at best. Without knowledge of the individual’s situation and circumstances one can not make such broad and sweeping judgments upon another. That is akin to coming to the inane conclusion that all young men are criminals because a small number of young men committed robbery. Worse still is the implied notion that one with bad credit is somehow akin to a convicted criminal and undeserving of work in order to rectify their dismal financial situation.

By the twisted “reasoning” that a good credit score equates out to a person with good character and integrity then all the conniving, greedy pigs in Washington, D.C. and Wall Street are paragons of virtue. Yeah, we all know how true that is. Don’t we? I’m looking at you Mr. Madoff, SEC, House Finance Committee, Bernanke, Geithner, taxpayer funded overpaid corporate execs, AIG, GM, et al., as well as those corrupt small business owners out there that cook their books while acting holier than thou in their hiring practices.

How does making it more difficult for one in dire financial straits improve their chances of fixing their situation? Quite simply, it does not. It is my hope that one day credit score employment screenings will be banned.