Chicago Trump Rally Protests

I find myself amused at the desperation of the anti-Trump MSM and leftist pundits trying to blame the violence in Chicago on Trump. Funny, it looks like a bunch of left wing extremists initiating all the trouble. But as is too common now-a-days: don’t hold those responsible for violence accountable and place blame on the victim(s).

Then again, this is Chicago. Not exactly the most civilized folks when it comes to politics.

I don’t really like Trump but I despise any and all protesters whose violent activities lead to the infringement of thousands of other citizen’s freedom and speech and association in an attempt to silence those with a different point of view. Do these leftists really have no belief in their positions that they can’t allow others to think differently. Aren’t these same self named “liberals” the ones always demanding diversity in all things, including thought and belief? (Guess that means only if you agree with them.)

Remember people, your rights end at the next person. With your rights comes responsibility. Use both wisely.

State of the Sphere…

Thirdsphere that is.

I haven’t posted much partly because work, school, and life in general have been hectic. Partially because I honestly haven’t felt like blogging about what’s happening in the world, let alone the United States and its current socio-economic political insanity.

I started watching the Presidential candidate races giving up on the Democrats early on as it’s a given they’ve already sold out to Hillary Clinton without giving the American people a true choice of candidates.Sorry won’t be voting for that hypocrite just because she’s a woman. A similar argument was made with Obama’s campaign (e.g. you were racist if you voted against him because you disagree with his policies) just this time you’re a misogynist or a self-hating woman if you don’t support Hillary.

On the flip side the Republicans have too many candidates most of which are so right wing even the party base doesn’t like them or (in a few cases) too reasonable (read: moderate) for the party to vote for.

So into this fray walks Donald Trump and sadly it looks like he may well be the next Republican Presidential candidate. Why is popular? My guess would be that though he started off as a joke to me (and really I do still see him that way) he has struck a chord with Americans tired of watching the elected officials projecting weakness and indecision to the world and selfishness, greed, and obstructionism at home. Trump may be a arrogant ass but he’s perceived as confident, assertive and strong when compared to the other politicians in the race.

We’ll see how this election goes, but for now I’m betting on a D.Trump v H.Clinton presidential contest. Who do I think would win such a match up? Trump, but just barely and largely due to the long political shadows around Clinton.