Uneducated Secretary

So the so-called Education Secretary thinks cutting money from Special Olympics and autism programs while increasing “education” executives pay is a good thing. Then again this hack has little concern about the educational needs of all Americans outside of her privileged economic class and the political elite. People with disabilities, be they mental, cognitive, and/or physical are just that…people, and deserving of the same equal treatment and respect as everyone else.

You’d think she would be more sympathetic given her obvious mental and intellectual deficiencies.

Russian Collusion – Yes! No! Maybe!

Basically I’m just sitting back enjoying the shit show over the Barr report on the so called Russian collusion with Trump. Not that I particularly like Trump, but the fact that all the wack jobs and the MSM are whining and trying to spin things to justify their idiocy is endless entertainment. Really, the Russian Collusion conspiracy is as idiotic as the Obama birthers. Excuses made by wingnuts to explain away defeat instead of looking honestly at the failures of their own political campaigns, tactics, and agendas.

A bonus for me is once again seeing the manipulative, dishonest, arrogant MSM get their comeuppance (as if they haven’t had enough recently with the Convington school and Smollet faux!attack incidents). I’ll trust the MSM again when they stop trying to push whatever social agenda their corporate masters want to foist on America, when they go back to unbiased reporting the news instead of trying to make and shape the news or trying to tell viewers what to think and how to vote. Until then, they can suck it.

Interestingly, the moderate Democrats seem to be taking things well with a measured reaction while the more socialist branch is screaming about releasing the full report. Of course the report will be released, but only after any sensitive information or national security items are redacted (which of course the more rabid fringe will claim is proof of a coverup). Of course, much of the GOP is taking glee in poking the more ardent anti-Trump and MSM shills.

I’m sure this isn’t over, but if the Democrats try to carry this through the 2020 election it could haunt them. Most people I know on both sides of this issue are done with it and want to move on to real issues America is facing (employment, economic prosperity/disparity, healthcare/medicine/bigpharma, taxes, housing, education, immigration reform, energy, trade, etc).

Newsweek: Trump Lies *Data Checking*

So I rarely post here anymore and probably should close this blog but a recent article from Newsweek was issued claiming President Trump lied about the United States having the cleanest air in the world. I’m not a Trump fan but I trust the froth-mouths and so called main stream media (like Newsweek) even less. Also, I was curious as to what the actual data says.  I prefer data to base my opinions on so I went to do the research myself.

(You can too, if you disagree with my resulting opinion below.)

Continue reading

Trump Talks to Taiwan

So everyone (read: left wing wackadoodles and Communist China lackeys) are having fits because Trump spoke with Taiwan’s President.

You know what I think? Good. About time an American President stopped molly coddling China. They want to play with the big boys then they better learn to deal with the consequences. Besides where were these whiners when the Obama administration authorized billions in weapons sales to Taiwan? They don’t consider that upsetting the Chinese but the president-elect talking to one who will soon be a political peer somehow sparks notions of war?

The Taiwan issue has been a topic that has irked me for some time, namely the notion that a foreign (enemy) power (China) is dictating who we can be allied with (Taiwan). It’s time American politicians do what they’re supposed to: look out for America’s interests, not foreign powers. You can have differences and not have hostilities or open conflict.

While I still hav emy doubts about Trump, if he’s going to truly approach international politics with a different perspective than the past half century I’m all for it. The status quo only keeps the elite and corrupt in power and the world under their thumb. Time to shake things up and maybe approach things unhindered by “tradition” or appeasement.

2016 Presidential Election

First off, I offer my congratulations to President-Elect Donald Trump. As I did with Obama, I hope that Mr. Trump has a successful presidency that benefits the United States.

I don’t particularly like Mr. Trump, but then I rather disliked all the candidates of this election cycle. I did, however, pick Trump to win the election back in March 2016. I think he won largely due to those “long political shadows” I mentioned in that post (i.e. decades of declining middle class, Mrs. Clinton’s ongoing political and legal woes, associations with unpopular organizations, individuals, and legislation, Benghazi, etc., etc.) combined with the arrogance and dismissiveness of the Democratic Party, Clinton’s election machine, and the main stream media towards Middle America.

So naturally, the public (Middle America) decided to remind everyone that they were still a force to be reckoned with.

Don’t get me wrong. Clinton won the popular vote, but lost the far more important electoral college vote to Trump. Of course this has liberals gnashing their teeth and calling it unfair. Obviously, they failed their social studies classes or need a refresher. The electoral college system has worked (and continues) to work as it was intended: to prevent a small number of highly concentrated population centers from being able to dictate to the rest of the nation by simple majority rule style democracy.

Typically, the majority vote would coincide with the electoral counts, but as we have seen in the past occasionally that is not the case. And in those cases was ultimately a result of the arrogance of the losing party thinking they could ignore certain members of the citizenry in favor of others.

Hubris was Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic Party, and the so called political elite’s analysts and polls downfall this election cycle, and I admit I am smiling from ear to ear about their comeuppance. Don’t take that to mean I’m particularly giddy about Trump and the Republicans, but they played it smart this campaign cycle being notably less presumptive about victory when dealing with the American public.

Chicago Trump Rally Protests

I find myself amused at the desperation of the anti-Trump MSM and leftist pundits trying to blame the violence in Chicago on Trump. Funny, it looks like a bunch of left wing extremists initiating all the trouble. But as is too common now-a-days: don’t hold those responsible for violence accountable and place blame on the victim(s).

Then again, this is Chicago. Not exactly the most civilized folks when it comes to politics.

I don’t really like Trump but I despise any and all protesters whose violent activities lead to the infringement of thousands of other citizen’s freedom and speech and association in an attempt to silence those with a different point of view. Do these leftists really have no belief in their positions that they can’t allow others to think differently. Aren’t these same self named “liberals” the ones always demanding diversity in all things, including thought and belief? (Guess that means only if you agree with them.)

Remember people, your rights end at the next person. With your rights comes responsibility. Use both wisely.

State of the Sphere…

Thirdsphere that is.

I haven’t posted much partly because work, school, and life in general have been hectic. Partially because I honestly haven’t felt like blogging about what’s happening in the world, let alone the United States and its current socio-economic political insanity.

I started watching the Presidential candidate races giving up on the Democrats early on as it’s a given they’ve already sold out to Hillary Clinton without giving the American people a true choice of candidates.Sorry won’t be voting for that hypocrite just because she’s a woman. A similar argument was made with Obama’s campaign (e.g. you were racist if you voted against him because you disagree with his policies) just this time you’re a misogynist or a self-hating woman if you don’t support Hillary.

On the flip side the Republicans have too many candidates most of which are so right wing even the party base doesn’t like them or (in a few cases) too reasonable (read: moderate) for the party to vote for.

So into this fray walks Donald Trump and sadly it looks like he may well be the next Republican Presidential candidate. Why is popular? My guess would be that though he started off as a joke to me (and really I do still see him that way) he has struck a chord with Americans tired of watching the elected officials projecting weakness and indecision to the world and selfishness, greed, and obstructionism at home. Trump may be a arrogant ass but he’s perceived as confident, assertive and strong when compared to the other politicians in the race.

We’ll see how this election goes, but for now I’m betting on a D.Trump v H.Clinton presidential contest. Who do I think would win such a match up? Trump, but just barely and largely due to the long political shadows around Clinton.


Cecil the Lion Thoughts

It saddens me that such a magnificent animal was killed in such a terrible fashion.

Now before anyone flies off the handle, let me clear about some things. In general I support hunters and hunting, but I do so based on some principles hunters in my family have had for generations:

  1. Hunt only what you need. Do not overhunt
  2. You eat what you kill and not let go to waste the rest of the remains.
  3. Respect the animal you hunt. Do not let an animal suffer.
  4. Do not hunt endangered or near endangered animal species.
  5. No trophy hunting.

The final two principles came about in more recent years as a result of endangered species populations and a general disgust for those who hunt solely for trophies. That said, we’ll move…

I know some question the outrage over a lion’s death. Even with my opposition to trophy hunting and the hunting of endangered species in general, I too would question the outrage over killing a lion. What makes this one different for many is  what information we have at this point: Cecil was apparently lured from the preserve, by all accounts made to suffer for 40 hours from a man obviously not skilled enough to track and kill a lion properly, and the fact the hunters then attempted to destroy the collar Cecil war as part of ongoing study.

In my opinion, the group of hunters actions before, during, and after the hunt and subsequent uproar are those of poachers, not legitimate hunters and guides. So I can understand the outrage quite plainly.

My hope is those involved are prosecuted by the Zimbabwean government and that this incident inspires more people to look into ways to end trophy hunting, protect and help repopulate endangered and near endangered species, and in general look for ways to preserve our planet’s wildlife and habitats for the enjoyment of all.

Test Post

Just a test post of some new blogging tools. I’ve decided to attempt reviving this blog once more while being less cynical in my posts than before. Still will mostly be my observations on the world from my little part of it.