Bill Text – 111th Congress (2009-2010) – THOMAS (Library of Congress)

While I oppose the DREAM Act solely on the ground that it is giving citizenship to illegal aliens I decided to read the text of it after hearing what sounds like some pretty outlandish claims of what was in the bill in order to determine if they were accurate or exaggerated (at least more so than usual). What I read hasn’t change my opposition, even if I think some of the over exaggeration is silly.

I don’t believe the lame-duck session of Congress should even be looking at giving amnesty to illegals. They should be concentrating on things that will assist the citizens first: the economy, extending unemployment benefits, and extending tax-cuts.

North Korean Attack on South Korea

North Korean attack on South Korean island leaves U.S. with few good options

There are no good options either way. Obama and the world has a an ugly choice to make:

  1. Continue the failed policy of appeasement that the communist dictatorship of North Korea considers weakness and encouragement to increasingly violent attacks on it’s neighbors.
  2. Allow the Armistice to end and finally allow for a continuation of the Korean War until one side or the other has won.

Either way, people are going to suffer and die. One is simply more lingering and painful than the other. The only benefit of the latter choice is should China actively back North Korea in any potential war is such support would put the lie to notion so many nations and politicians have of China being a benign entity. 60 years of appeasement have led to nothing but suffering for all and the continued militant and increasingly violent regime in Pyongyang almost certainly guarantees a war sooner or later to settle the fate of the Korean peninsula.

The question is will the world capitulate in the face of violence and threats that guarantee other regimes adopting similar tactics or finally take a stand against North Korea and all regimes like them?

It’s a plane, not a missile…

Experts: Mystery Contrail Was Plane, Not Missile

Much as I hate (and dismiss) most conspiracy theories I’m just not buying the explanation being touted. I’ve seen a lot of atmospheric anomalies, visual mis-perceptions, jets, and rockets. Maybe not as much as some people, but enough to question the conclusion presented. After all, if it is simply a plane then why the FAA lack of knowledge regarding the location of the plane/missile? Where’s the pilot? Or for that matter, where is the plane itself? These are but a few questions to add on top of others (like why is there a burn from the engine similar to what one would see in a missile or rocket?)

Note that the claim is that plane/missile was likely America West Flight 808 from Hawaii to Phoenix. I don’t really buy that because the Hawaii to Phoenix flight is pretty regular. (Note US Airways re-branded all America West flights to US Airways but still retain America West’s callsign and code.) That being the case, why would such sight not be seen before? Sure it’s possible that the anomaly wasn’t noticed before but seems a little unlikely given the heavy air traffic of the area.

Personally, I figure the military was doing a test of some sort (as seemed to be indicated in a recent NGA advisory for the area) and it happened to get seen. If that was the case, admit it and move on. Most Americans wouldn’t have noticed or even cared if not for all the contradictory statements.

Ghost Missiles In the Sky

FoxNews.com – Mystery Solved? Missile Launch Could Be a Jet Contrail

L.A. ‘mystery missile’ may have been errant launch, experts say | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

I don’t really buy that it was a jet contrail. It could very well be a jet but I’ve seen plenty of both jet and missile contrails. Based on the footage available this one looks more like a contrail I would associate with a missile or rocket.

Whether it is a missile or a jet contrail, the fact that authorities could not readily confirm or deny which it was is more troubling from a national security and safety perspective. The lack of any explanation, even an old excuse like whatever is was being classified due to national security or something would have gone over better than the ongoing media frenzy over apparent ineptitude, confusion, and lack of communication.

AZ Election Results

Election Winners
The following are all Republican unless otherwise noted.

Governor: Jan Brewer
Secretary of State: Ken Bennett
Attorney General: Tom Horne
State Treasurer: Doug Ducey
Superintendent: John Huppenthal
State Mine Inspector: Joe Hart
CD-1: Paul Gosar
CD-2: Trent Frank
CD-3: Ben Quayle
CD-4: Ed Pastor (D)
CD-5: David Schweikert
CD-6: Jeff Flake
CD-7: Raul Grijalva (D) (Likely winner at 48.6/45.8 as of this post.)
CD-8: Gabrielle Giffords (D) * (Likely to be contested at 48.6/47.6 split as of this post)
Senate: John McCain

I’m forgoing the state Legislature results since anyone outside the state wouldn’t care in the least who won or didn’t win. Overall pleased with the results. I hope the politicians get the message that they work for the people, not their party. We’ll have to wait and see if they heard it or not.


106 – Health Care Protections – Passed (Ed Note: I incorrectly put it down as Prop 101 in my other post.)
107 – Prohibiting Preferential Treatment – Passed
109 – Hunting and Fishing a State Constitutional Right – Failed
110 – State Land Trusts – Failed
111- Creating Position of Lt Governor/Require Lt Gov and Gov to run as single ticket – Failed
112 – Initiative Petition Deadline Change to 6 Months – Passed* (50.1/49.9, so may face recount)
113 – Right to Secret Ballot Vote – Passed
203 – Medical Marijuana – Failed
301 – Transfer Conservation Fund to General Fund – Failed
302 – Transfer Early Childhood Development Funds to General Fund – Failed

I’m glad most Arizonans chose to be reasonable with their voting decisions with the propositions. While I had hoped medical marijuana would pass, I knew it was unlikely to be approved given fears of the Mexican Cartels and their war with the Mexican government and the crazy full legalization of marijuana effort in California. Likewise disappointed by the Hunting/Fishing Rights proposition likely failed to its poor wording and lack of full explanation to the average voters on what exactly it entailed but also can see how some would feel it was an attempt by the Legislature to overreach its authority.

Smells like victory. Victory for the people.

Now it is time for action, not platitudes.

Midterm Elections 2010

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an article to this blog but election day for the midterm elections of 2010 seems like a good day to write once more.

I admit I’m pretty enthusiastic about the elections today, primarily since it appears incumbents are going to take a well deserved thrashing in many races. Enough so to make it clear that those potentially being elected or re-elected realize they are on mere probation with the majority of Americans unwilling to tolerate the political shenanigans and elitist attitude in Washington and elsewhere any longer. I personally didn’t vote for any incumbents even though I know more than a few will get elected anyway. My votes had a mix of Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian candidates on the Arizona ballot for my area.

Congressional Elections

My hope is that Republicans retake the House, not because I particularly believe they are any better than the Democratic Party but to serve as a break on the reckless spending and policies of the Obama Administration and the extreme leftist agenda driven by Pelosi and Reid.

For the congressional district I live in (AZ CD-4) I expect Ed Pastor is going to win. I personally despise the man and his corruption but the Republicans and others didn’t make much of an effort (read: none) to truly challenge him. Too bad since I thought Contreras seemed like a good candidate. Who knows, maybe the good ol’ boys club decided a female republican couldn’t win in the district so like so many others decided not to even try to support her. Almost went for the Libertarian Cobb but something rubbed me wrong about him. Not sure what, but just couldn’t bring myself to vote for him. Perhaps lack of information.

As for the Senate race I went Libertarian. No way I would vote any Democrat to the Senate this year with the current ongoing joke of a Congress and I stuck to my decision not to vote for an incumbent even if I agree more often than not with McCain.

State Elections

Voted for Libertarian. No way in hell I’d vote for Goddard and Brewer was the incumbent (even if by appointment) so no vote there.

Attorney General
Voted for Republican Horne. I don’t trust most Arizona Democrats right now when it comes to immigration, health care, and other legalities the AG will cover, especially with the ongoing war between Arizona and the Obama Administration over issues like immigration.


Mine Inspector

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Mixed Republican and Democrat

101 – Health Care Protections – Supported
107 – Prohibiting Preferential Treatment – Supported
109 – Hunting and Fishing a State Constitutional Right – Supported
110 – State Land Trusts – Opposed
111- Creating Position of Lt Governor/Require Lt Gov and Gov to run as single ticket – Opposed
112 – Initiative Petition Deadline Change to 6 Months – Supported
113 – Right to Secret Ballot Vote – Supported
203 – Medical Marijuana – Supported
301 – Transfer Conservation Fund to General Fund – Opposed
302 – Transfer Early Childhood Development Funds to General Fund – Opposed