Chicago Trump Rally Protests

I find myself amused at the desperation of the anti-Trump MSM and leftist pundits trying to blame the violence in Chicago on Trump. Funny, it looks like a bunch of left wing extremists initiating all the trouble. But as is too common now-a-days: don’t hold those responsible for violence accountable and place blame on the victim(s).

Then again, this is Chicago. Not exactly the most civilized folks when it comes to politics.

I don’t really like Trump but I despise any and all protesters whose violent activities lead to the infringement of thousands of other citizen’s freedom and speech and association in an attempt to silence those with a different point of view. Do these leftists really have no belief in their positions that they can’t allow others to think differently. Aren’t these same self named “liberals” the ones always demanding diversity in all things, including thought and belief? (Guess that means only if you agree with them.)

Remember people, your rights end at the next person. With your rights comes responsibility. Use both wisely.

State of the Sphere…

Thirdsphere that is.

I haven’t posted much partly because work, school, and life in general have been hectic. Partially because I honestly haven’t felt like blogging about what’s happening in the world, let alone the United States and its current socio-economic political insanity.

I started watching the Presidential candidate races giving up on the Democrats early on as it’s a given they’ve already sold out to Hillary Clinton without giving the American people a true choice of candidates.Sorry won’t be voting for that hypocrite just because she’s a woman. A similar argument was made with Obama’s campaign (e.g. you were racist if you voted against him because you disagree with his policies) just this time you’re a misogynist or a self-hating woman if you don’t support Hillary.

On the flip side the Republicans have too many candidates most of which are so right wing even the party base doesn’t like them or (in a few cases) too reasonable (read: moderate) for the party to vote for.

So into this fray walks Donald Trump and sadly it looks like he may well be the next Republican Presidential candidate. Why is popular? My guess would be that though he started off as a joke to me (and really I do still see him that way) he has struck a chord with Americans tired of watching the elected officials projecting weakness and indecision to the world and selfishness, greed, and obstructionism at home. Trump may be a arrogant ass but he’s perceived as confident, assertive and strong when compared to the other politicians in the race.

We’ll see how this election goes, but for now I’m betting on a D.Trump v H.Clinton presidential contest. Who do I think would win such a match up? Trump, but just barely and largely due to the long political shadows around Clinton.


Arizona Anti-Gay Business Law

Well, it’s been quite some time since I’ve posted here and it’s with a somewhat hot button issue: an anti-gay bill passed by the Arizona Legislature. The bill essentially says business owners may refuse service to gay customers based on their religious beliefs.

While I do believe business owners have the right to refuse service to a customer I also think anyone who would refuse a customer based on bigoted views (even when religiously based) is a fool for a business owner. Even more, how can you tell by looking at someone if they’re gay or not. Simple answer: you can’t.

The stupidity of bigotry aside, what is dangerous about this bill is that it codifies and legalizes discrimination based on a religious or moral belief. If it is allowed to discriminate against homosexuals for religious reasons, then how long will it be before others decide to claim their religion or morality as an acceptable excuse to reinstate a wide range of despicable hatred (racism, misogyny, and discrimination) as the norm.

My hope is that Governor Brewer will veto the law but it is difficult to say if she will do so. Some of her comments make it clear that she agrees that business should be allowed to deny service to customers as they see fit but also appears to believe that such practice should not be sanctioned by the state through law. I think she sees the inherent danger of the law as being see as state sanctioned discrimination.

We shall see soon what she will decide.

Dems Reject Obama

House Democrats Reject Obama’s Tax Cut Deal

It’s amusing to see whining from Democrats about behind doors deals between the President and the GOP over tax cuts considering they were more than happy to cut a number of closed door deals without the GOP when they were under the delusion that they had a “mandate” to shove their garbage legislation upon the American people. But then Obama should have known better than to curry the favor of the leftist extremists in his party, one of the same mistakes Bush made when he curried favor from the evangelical right wing extremists of the Republican Party.

Now that the American people have started turning the tide against the insane overspending the Democrats, particularly hard leftist progressives, have become a bunch of whining imbeciles trying to adopt language that they think will fool Americans into supporting them once more. Hearing “fiscal irresponsible” from the same people who’ve created the largest deficit in U.S. history is like Bart Stupak claiming he’s now pro-choice: completely and utterly hypocritical.

In the end they’ll pass it, regardless of their claims otherwise, simply because they won’t want to face the further wrath of the American people. A wrath they had but a taste of this past November if Washington doesn’t get its act together.


Drive by posting…

If you’re going to refer to residents in Arizona in your emails please use the proper term: Arizonans. We’re not Arizonians. You make yourselves look like morons to other Arizonans when you don’t use the proper term while claiming to represent them.

Just sayin’.

Woe to the Republic: Obamacare Passes

Woe to the Republic: Obamacare Passes

House Passes Sweeping Health Care Overhaul Bill – ABC News

Sadly, and not unexpectedly, members of Congress have revealed their true intent to destroy the republic and all it’s institutions a bit at a time. If nothing else, Americans should now be pleased to know exactly who are the betrayers, the thieves, the elitists who believe they know better how individuals should live than the individuals themselves.

What negative things Americans have to look forward to:

  • Mandatory requirement to buy insurance or face fines and imprisonment. (Even communist nations never had such inane provisions.)
  • Increased taxes.
  • Increased taxes on business.
  • Corporate welfare for insurance companies. (The precedent was set with GM.)
  • Medicaid cuts.
  • Doctors quiting medicine burdening the system with a higher doctor-patient ratio.
  • Increase the IRS with 16,500 agents to enforce the system.
  • Punishing “Cadillac” plans.
  • Exempting Goverment officials from the law they impose on the citizenry.
  • Paying 10 years of taxes for only 6 years of program.
  • Fees on medical device manufacturers, insurance providers, and pharma.
  • A little known silly tax: 10% tax on indoor tanning services.
  • Freeze Medicare payments to insurers providing coverage.

Obviously none of the above does a single thing to address the core of the issue: cost containment. Massively increasing taxes and increasing costs while decreasing services and doctor availability only adds to the burden of all Americans. So insurance companies wouldn’t be able to deny based on pre-existing conditions. So what? The same result could have been garnered on single slip of paper and voted into place without complaint by anyone. Tort reform? A few pages crafted to be a balanced approach for all. Medicare? Simple, stop raiding the funds and put the money that was stolen back into it. Same thing for Medicaid.

There are many numerous ways to have addressed the problems with the medical system. But in typical arrogant fashion the pigs in Congress deemed it their right to ignore the people and impose their agenda making sure that they and their associates are exempt and free to pillage the national coffers as much as they desire no matter what harm comes.

» ObamaCare: To Pass Or Not to Pass – Big Government

The Democrats and the White House are lost in a legislative “fog of war” right now. They are focused on twisting enough arms, offering jobs and negotiating specific “deals” (bribes) to get them to 216 votes. Their attention and energy is focused exclusively on a final vote in the House tonight. No one is looking even one minute beyond that horizon. They are like a general who pours all his reserves into taking a symbolic bridge, never realizing that his lines have already collapsed and his flanks have been turned. They may take the bridge and get to 216 votes. (I’ve learned to never bet against Congressional leadership and an Administration united for a single legislative victory. ) But, they have already lost the war. They have deluded themselves that if they can…just…get…this…bill…passed, the public’s anger and attention will subside, they can put health care ‘behind them’ and they can focus on other ‘popular’ measures that will shore up their election prospects in November.

Indeed, this is but the opening shot in a battle that is to soon embroil an entire nation in the coming months. A battle not involving just the thirty six states that move to oppose this unprecedented expansion of the Federal government into the domain of the individual states, the operations of business, and the private lives of the citizenry, but the nation in its entirety. Whether it is in the coming days of lawsuits and constitutional lawyers or at the ballot box come November, Obamacare will fail. It’s only a matter of what political parties and politicians fall with it.

And fall they will.

So I will not end this post on a negative, defeated note. Victory for the people lies solely with the people. And they will be heard over the special interests and droning elitists. Hail to the Republic!

Remember in November!
Regime Change 2010!