Health Care Debate continues

I’ve been quiet on the health care debate mainly because I’ve been watching to see what the Legislative branch comes up with. For the most part I’m not pleased and as yet oppose both House and Senate proposals across the board.

I’m particularly annoyed at the nitwits supporting coverage to illegals. I would not be surprised if they were the same misguided folks who support sanctuary cities and others who intentionally violate U.S. immigration laws to protect illegal aliens in this country. I say they truly want that then they add in a requirement that said illegals after getting their insurance or being treated are arrested on the spot and deported without delay.

I’m glad to see the Senate Panel vote down attempts to place “public option” into Baucus’ already questionable “health care” bill. Now if only they’d drop what for me are absolutely killers of the bill: requiring citizens to obtain health care coverage or be fined (sorry I’m not government property and refuse to be treated as such), taxing those who can afford so called “Cadillac” programs (punishing those who work hard to have a better quality of life), and the annual outrageous government fees on insurance companies, medical device makers, and labs but not on Big Pharma (convenient that Big Pharma will also get government protection from foreign, cheaper competition while crippling development of medical devices and assorted preventative medical tests).

An interesting view: Some Thoughts on Health Care “Reform”

News Round Up

Netanyahu attacks Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial | Reuters

I heard part of Netanyahu’s speech. While I have problems with some of Israel’s activities, Netanyahu certainly made a much better speech than Obama did.

Senate panel renews healthcare fight on seniors | Politics | Reuters

On the third day of deliberations on Chairman Max Baucus’s proposal, the Democratic-controlled panel defeated two Republican amendments to block cuts in Medicare Advantage, which augments the government’s Medicare insurance program for the elderly with private insurance.

And that alone proves to me that the Democrats have no interested in assisting the average retiree, let alone the average American. Instead all they want to do is hurt the poor, retired, and middle class.

Home sales, jobless claims drop unexpectedly | U.S. | Reuters

Yeah it’s called people falling off the rolls. Sad that these dolts think that losing less jobs means that everything is now fine. They just don’t get that it’s less jobs, which still means more unemployment. Obviously, despite the fools in our government’s claims, the economy is not recovering. They just want people to ignore the problem so they can continue with their corrupt business as usual while imposing new invasive and repressive laws and taxes on an already unemployed, under-employed and overtaxed public while they continue to dismantle United States industries.

Government Gags Debate

More evidence of the corruption running rampant in our government: Critics balk at private Medicare plan gag order | Politics | Reuters

I have no problem with trying to prevent false information but it is a little too convenient that when a group supports ObamaCare (even when such information is misleading) the government is all nice and quiet but the instance the government faces any questions they automatically try to intimidate with warnings for allegedly misleading information and implied punitive action. It’s just more proof that the United States Federal Government and its institutions are out of control, out of touch, and in need of massive overhaul to make them ince more subservient to the people of the United States as was the intent of our nation’s founders.

DC Pressuring NY Gov

New York Gov. David Paterson Urged to Drop 2010 Bid

If it is true Obama made such a request, I’d suggest President Obama stop injecting himself into a state’s business. First Massachusetts, now New York. If Paterson is as disliked as a handful of people I know from New York indicate then Paterson would lose to Obama’s favorite boy, Cuomo, anyway. So what’s the concern if the Republicans are held in such low esteem in NY as well? Just sounds liked another federal intrusion into a state’s internal affair. In the end, it should be Patersons choice without pressure from anyone outside of New York just as New Yorkers know for themselves what is best for them.

I’ve always hated federally elected officials such Presidents and the national parties getting involved in local and state politics. I feel such activity undermines the democratic process as politicians in local and state levels soon become beholden to the federal officials and parties instead of the constituents they are supposed to serve. We’ve already seen what corruption that has brought to our country: social and economic agendas that have damaged State’s Rights, the crippling of the economy, created a Congress who thinks they rule by fiat and are contemptuous of the citizenry, massive run away spending and waste on all levels of government, massive corruption on all levels of government, pay to play schemes, intentionally hindering independents and third parties from entering the political arena through passage of egregious laws and rules, funding so-called nonprofits to push political agendas, bailing out corrupt and greedy financial institutes and corporations, and willfully not addressing critical issues in America for the sole purpose of maintaining their personal profit.

A passing thought

Now you see I become extremely cynical when groups like Democracy for America are pushing the so called “nuclear option” (as they did in a recent email) to force passage of ObamaCare in the Senate. Why be afraid of the process instead invoking what many legal experts are saying may well be an illegal process in this instance in order to push through so called reform? If it’s truly reformative then there is no need to force it through. Sounds more like trying to silence open debate and smacks of dictatorship to me.

They might get Obamacare through by such means, but the government would come to a screeching halt for the next three years as all attempts at cooperation would be off the table at that point and would likely spell the demise of a number of political careers, particularly those who go along with the nuclear option. It would also likely lead to ObamaCare being repealed the next time the Republicans or similarly anti-ObamaCare Democrats controlled the House and Senate (likely by 2012 should the nuke option be used) thereby repeating a never ending cycle of grid-locked government and creating a citizenry likely to eliminate both Parties as a result.

AZ 2010 Governor’s Race

Well it seems the number of contenders for Governor are ever increasing, though I doubt may of them are actually electable. There may be more candidates in addition to the ones I’ve listed below that I am currently unaware of or have not officially declared their intent to run as far as I can tell.

Republicans: Jan Brewer (Incumbent), Karen Johnson, Hugh Kealer, Roy Miller, Tim Willis

Democrats: Terry Goddard

Independents: John Paul Mitchell, Mike Ross

I’m currently looking primarily at John Paul Mitchell, Terry Goddard, Roy Miller, and Hugh Kealer but I’m still checking out the other candidates to get feel for their poisition on a host of issues. I’ve already eliminated the following from my personal choices for various reasons primarily contradictory to one of my personal political beliefs: Jan Brewer (obstructionism, taxes, non-cooperation), Mike Ross (uncontrolled immigration), Tim Willis (too conservative), Karen Johnson (too conservative).

Basically as long as they support small government, equal rights, protections, and opportunities for all Americans, State’s Rights, free enterprise, cutting taxes, making services cost effective and efficient, keeping a balanced budget, enforcing immigration laws, eliminating the budget deficit, eliminating waste of taxpayer monies, placing the well being of the people over partisan politics, and developing Arizona’s non-tourism industries (i.e. manufacturing, aerospace, electronics, et al) I’ll back them. Just be a fiscally conservative, socially moderate Constitutionalist and I’ll typically be satisfied with a candidacy.

News Round Up

Iran has expertise to build nuclear bomb, says UN report – Telegraph

Well I imagine this is something for an embarrassment for President Obama after yesterdays announcement about killing the Eastern European Missile Shield and subsequent fallout and damaging of ties to those nations. The IAEA is denying the leaked report, of course, but France is also claiming their information contradicts the IAEA’s denials. So at this point who knows. I haven’t trusted the IAEA for years over the incompetence and don’t see much reason to believe them now.

Iran’s protest plans backfire – Channel 4 News

Seems the pro-democracy and pro-reform groups are still alive in Iran despite governments to the contrary.

Pelosi chokes up on demand; cries victim status |

Equating opposition to violence is asinine even by Pelosi’s questionable standards, which those familiar with that time period will know she is referring too. The public and opposition will not be silenced by such moronic statements. Funny how’s she’s changed her tune from opposition is a sign of patriotism to it now meaning your un-American. But not surprising, really. Politicians pull this patriotic-unpatriotic stunt all the time. I don’t buy her choking up, teary eyed act. Sorry, just don’t buy it given her own statements and actions.

Sibelius and Chuck Todd

Seriously, get over yourself Sibelius. As long as he covered his mouth and nose who the hell cares if he sneezed since he obviously doesn’t have any disease. Moron. The friggin’ universe doesn’t revolve around the flu, Sibelius, or her holier than thou nanny-state attitude. Being informed and prepared is one thing, but this fear mongering over the flu is getting downright stupid. Is she going to start wiping everyone’s ass now to make sure they’re cleaning themselves properly?

Obama Kills Missile Shield

Obama chose the worst day possible to make this announcement: the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland! Funny how President Bush was accused of tarnishing America world prestige (which he did) where as President Obama just simply aims to destroy America’s credibility (which he just did today).

I was somewhat surprised today to hear President Obama decide to scrap the European Missile Shield in a time when the United States needs to bolster its image and appearance of strength abroad, not weaken it. He wasn’t completely stupid in that he did back another missile system that unfortunately won’t be fully in place (if ever) by 2020, far too late to address Iran’s emerging ballistic technology. It seems President Obama is under operating under the mistaken notion that removing the missile shield program will somehow garner him political support and leverage with Russia and seem more amenable to the Iranians. Unfortunately the exact opposite will happen given the Iranian missile and nuclear programs are dependent upon the Russians.

The backlash has started of course and I agree with most of those opposed to Obama naive plans. John McCain (R-Az) called it “seriously misguided“. Boehner encourages Obama to reconsider. John  Kyl (R-Az) has been quite vociferous and direct:

U.S. Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl released a statement Thursday morning accusing the administration of caving to Russia. 

“The decision announced today by the administration is dangerous and short-sighted,” the Arizona Republican said. “Not only does this decision leave America vulnerable to the growing Iranian long-range missile threat, it also turns back the clock to the days of the Cold War, when Eastern Europe was considered the domain of Russia. This will be a bitter disappointment, indeed, even a warning to the people of Eastern Europe.”

Russia will be happy and likely see it as tacit approval for their ever increasing aggressiveness and hostility towards their former Soviet republics. Likely too they will see this as tacit approval of their continued occupation of Georgian territory and a number of other issues that have strengthened America’s would be opponents.

More important than dropping one missile shield for another is this action will be seen to undermine U.S. influence and support in Eastern Europe who will now wonder if they can trust the United States any longer to stand beside them when a crises arises, especially nations like Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Georgia who will have to wonder if they’ve just been handed over to slaughter to the Russians. How can they trust the  Administration after putting so much effort into assisting the United States in its War on Terror only to be effectively abandoned.

Whether Americans like it or not, the majority of the world still operates under the old political notion of “might makes right”. You have the guns and the money, you make the policy. Doing anything that is perceived to weaken your military capabilities or undermine your allies in turn makes you weak in many people’s eyes. Compromise is viewed as weakness. Appeasement is weakness.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — E. Burke

Others commenting on this issue I thought were interesting:
Re: Obama’s Abandonment Of Missile Shield And New Developments in Iran’s Missile Capabilities :: Iran :: Hyscience

Left In Alabama:: Will Obama’s Cancellation of a Missile Shield Hurt Huntsville?

Bill’s Blog: Shuster Objects to Obama’s Decision to Deny Missile Shield to our East European Allies

Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Gonna Lay Down My Missile Shield” (<–my favorite so far)

Gates warns of threat from China, Obama cuts missile shield to show he’s serious. « Sword and Sextant

Obama Kills Missile Shield

Obama chose the worst day possible to make this announcement: the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland! Funny how President Bush was accused of tarnishing America world prestige (which he did) where as President Obama just simply aims to destroy America’s credibility (which he just did today).

I was somewhat surprised today to hear President Obama decide to scrap the European Missile Shield in a time when the United States needs to bolster its image and appearance of strength abroad, not weaken it. He wasn’t completely stupid in that he did back another missile system that unfortunately won’t be fully in place (if ever) by 2020, far too late to address Iran’s emerging ballistic technology. It seems President Obama is under operating under the mistaken notion that removing the missile shield program will somehow garner him political support and leverage with Russia and seem more amenable to the Iranians. Unfortunately the exact opposite will happen given the Iranian missile and nuclear programs are dependent upon the Russians.

The backlash has started of course and I agree with most of those opposed to Obama naive plans. John McCain (R-Az) called it “seriously misguided“. Boehner encourages Obama to reconsider. John  Kyl (R-Az) has been quite vociferous and direct:

U.S. Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl released a statement Thursday morning accusing the administration of caving to Russia. 

“The decision announced today by the administration is dangerous and short-sighted,” the Arizona Republican said. “Not only does this decision leave America vulnerable to the growing Iranian long-range missile threat, it also turns back the clock to the days of the Cold War, when Eastern Europe was considered the domain of Russia. This will be a bitter disappointment, indeed, even a warning to the people of Eastern Europe.”

Russia will be happy and likely see it as tacit approval for their ever increasing aggressiveness and hostility towards their former Soviet republics. Likely too they will see this as tacit approval of their continued occupation of Georgian territory and a number of other issues that have strengthened America’s would be opponents.

More important than dropping one missile shield for another is this action will be seen to undermine U.S. influence and support in Eastern Europe who will now wonder if they can trust the United States any longer to stand beside them when a crises arises, especially nations like Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Georgia who will have to wonder if they’ve just been handed over to slaughter to the Russians. How can they trust the  Administration after putting so much effort into assisting the United States in its War on Terror only to be effectively abandoned.

Whether Americans like it or not, the majority of the world still operates under the old political notion of “might makes right”. You have the guns and the money, you make the policy. Doing anything that is perceived to weaken your military capabilities or undermine your allies in turn makes you weak in many people’s eyes. Compromise is viewed as weakness. Appeasement is weakness.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — E. Burke

Others commenting on this issue I thought were interesting:
Re: Obama’s Abandonment Of Missile Shield And New Developments in Iran’s Missile Capabilities :: Iran :: Hyscience

Left In Alabama:: Will Obama’s Cancellation of a Missile Shield Hurt Huntsville?

Bill’s Blog: Shuster Objects to Obama’s Decision to Deny Missile Shield to our East European Allies

Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Gonna Lay Down My Missile Shield” (<–my favorite so far)

Gates warns of threat from China, Obama cuts missile shield to show he’s serious. « Sword and Sextant