And the corruption continues it’s march

Automakers to Get $17.4 Billion in US Aid – AOL Money & Finance

And the financial rape of the American public continues thanks to corrupt Republicans and Democrats and their little greedy puppet masters.

Maybe all Americans, working and unemployed alike, should go on strike and shut down government buildings and facilities until the government gives each individual $30,000 tax free, free medical care for life, payoff all personal debts, give everyone $10,000 credit lines, erase all mortgage debt, guarantee wealthy pension plans, and guarantee job security in addition to getting full wages and coverage during the strike.


Blackmail seems to work for the corporations and banks, so why not do the same for the American people, the real backbone of the American economy?

News Commentary 18 December 2008

Obama’s Pick for Invocation Under Fire

Hm. So Obama’s idea of bringing together the nation is to have an evangelical minister who opposes gays? I’m sure the liberal base is having kittens about now. Then again homophobia and sexism (against both males and females) are the last remaining socially acceptable forms of hate and discrimination in the United States so maybe they won’t care either.

Honestly, this is just an obvious ploy by Obama to try to get disgruntled religious and social conservatives over to his side. It also can accomplish the goal of alienating and marginalizing his more socially liberal supporters to further allow Obama maneuvering room when he does not carry through with the liberal campaign promises he made to them. In the end it won’t really matter since rarely is the person who gives the invocation remembered. It’s who is being inaugurated that’s important.

Will Hillary Follow Through On Campaign Pledge To Ban ‘Private Mercenaries’?

Should be interesting to see if Mrs. Clinton will continue her anti-mercenary position now that she will be leading the very department that hires these groups or whether she’ll fall in line with Obama’s “establish the legal status of contractor personnel” position. Of course Obama will be President at that point so it’s not like she can really oppose him in any real manner. Personally, I don’t care about the use of mercenaries so long as they aren’t committing criminal acts or war crimes and atrocities and held accountable for said actions. Unfortunately history has shown that this is rarely so.

Dreamliner Debut Delayed / Companies – Boeing delays Dreamliner debut

Boeing has postponed the first deliveries of its 787 Dreamliner for a fourth time, moving the commercial debut of the aircraft into 2010, a delay of nearly two years.

I’m not surprised about the delays given design problems coupled with the recent strike. Boeing may blame the strike for the added delay but the fact remains that there were some serious design issues that arose this year long before the strike occurred.

Obama’s Agriculture, Interior Picks

Obama announces agriculture, interior picks | Politics | Reuters

So long as they don’t push GM food on the public or back policies that favor so called biofuel production over consumable food products these two picks appear to be acceptable. Until the concerns related to GM foods (transgenic modification, cross-contamination, hidden allergens, etc.) is further examined their use should be approached cautiously. The same caution needs to be applied to biofuels to avoid ballooning food prices and starvation rates as was seen previously worldwide as food production was cut in favor of creating “fuel”.

There are some problems with Salazar though when it comes to being concerned about the environment. Among these concerns is Salazar’s previous vote against increased fuel efficiency for automobiles and fighting against efforts to increase protection for some endangered species, including trying to stop scientists from determining whether some species were endangered. Mr. Salazar needs to remember that the environment is not just about air and water quality but biodiversity and ecology as well.

I also have concerns over Vilsack’s ties to GM food manufacturer, Monsanto. I’ve heard rumors that Monsanto bans GM foods in their own cafeterias. I hope that’s not true but if it is true what does that say about the safety of GM foods?

It’s especially annoying for those of us who chose to try and eat non-GM, local, organic foods as it is increasingly difficult to avoid GM foods even as an increasing number of independent scientific studies are showing some serious problems may be tied directly to GM crops.

Shoes are made for walking

A little late on the commentary but…

Who knew Prez Bush had mad dodge-ball skillz? Heh.

Seriously, You have to wonder what happened to security given that the alleged reporter and his shoes, Muthathar al Zaidi, in a known sympathizer and supporter of violent sectarian militias. Not surprisingly similarly violent individuals (or those who simply hate America for it’s very existence)  claim the guy is a hero. Whatever. It’s not like most Americans care what that ilk thinks.

Snobby idiot reporters

Rant forthcoming…

Americans rich and poor pawn more to pay bills | U.S. | Reuters

I would laugh because the Phoenix pawn shop mentioned in the article is just a block away from where I live except I take exception at the description of my neighborhood and the pawn shop. The “place” is hardly grimy, neither is the neighborhood as these idiot authors note. If anything, the pawn shop in particular has worked hard to keep their area clean and well maintained given the seediness of the place prior to their taking over the building in the 90s. My guess is the authors are racist pieces of crap and assume that because there is a sizable Hispanic population in the area and Longview Elementary School across the street that the area is automatically “grimy”. That or they are snobby elitists who think if your house was purchased for less than half a million, you’re poor. Douche bags.

So, according to these snobbish bigots the elementary school, the baptist church and rectory, the community center, the gay bar, Anthem College (formerly Hi-Tech Institute), the small businesses, the houses and apartments reclaimed from the drug dealers, crack whores, and meth labs, and the historical preservation area are all “grimy”. Are there areas that needs some work? Certainly. But anyone in Phoenix will tell you that every neighborhood, even amongst the rich, has homes in need of proper maintenance. Anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves. Does that make those areas “grimy” too? No. It’s just more lazy ass reporters applying their biases because the story is about pawn shops and the poor economy. In their little world, all pawnshops are automatically located in slums, except those in Beverly Hills (of course) because the supposed rich are “special”.

I’ll avoid ranting over the obvious bias in favor of California over Arizona in the writing of this alleged news article.

If they want grimy, the should have seen this neighborhood in the 90s when old timers like myself were dealing with rampant gangs, drug use, and high crime that the city wanted nothing to do with. The only time anything got done was when locals called the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. It was the local watches and the stubbornness of the long term locals and their families, like my own, that eventually won the fight and got the area returned to its middle class roots. You want hard core “grimy” head to the slums of South Phoenix and the barrios interspersed throughout the city and valley.

Just more proof of the laziness and bias in the media to reinforce stereotypes, biases, and artificial class barriers.

Some thoughts on Vatican, cap-and-trade

Vatican condemns embryo stem cell research, cloning | Science | Reuters

I find it odd that the Vatican condemns artificial fertilization when the RCC itself in essence demands its membership to have children. No big surprise on their opposition to birth control, stem cell research, and cloning.

Obama to announce environment, energy team | Politics | Reuters

So apparently Obama has picked his Energy and Environment teams. Hopefully Chu wont let Obama and his extremist environmentalist supporters kill important nuclear facilities like Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. Obama in the past has been critical of Yucca Mountain, which to me leads to question of Obama’s support for nuclear power stations. Unfortunately, Obama’s pick of Browner, a Gore follower, seems to indicate an strong anti-nuclear agenda for the incoming Obama administration.

The Failures and Dangers of Cap and Trade

But then again I’m not really surprised since Obama supports the inane and dangerous idea of emissions trading (aka cap-and-trade) or the equally dubious cap-and share notion of greenhouse gases instead of demanding genuine changes to cleaner production. All cap-and-trade does is allow the wealthy polluters to buy the ability to pollute as much as they desire by simply buying the right to pollute. It does nothing to eliminate pollution emissions. Local populations and environments get to suffer or be destroyed by pollution through these “trades” and the emphasis on imposing restrictions on the individuals lifestyles first rather than the larger corporations responsible for the majority of the pollution emissions.

In effect, cap-and-trade makes polluting no longer a stigma, just another business deal. There is no self-conscious effort to do environmentally safer business because of this, but instead purchasing the right pollute as much as they desire. As the caps are restricted, the costs will be put not on the business as cap-and-traders claim but on the individuals held hostage by these companies caught up in the whole scheme. There is even some evidence that cap-and-trade is being used as an excuse to destroy old growth forests in favor of so called tree plantations full of new growth trees. How is that environmentally friendly?

The system needs to be changed not traded! Don’t fall for the carbon neutral myth put forth by pseudo-scientists, like the hypocrite Al Gore, that fuels destructive cap-and-trade policies. Genuine emissions reduction should be encouraged not these insane ideas that allow people to buy their way out of being responsible for their actions and let everyone else suffer the consequences. For example, the EU cap-and-trade scheme has shown an increase in emissions. More interesting analysis of the failing Eu cap-and-trade: Pew Center Greenwashes EU Cap and Trade | cooler heads and the original document dissected in the article.

It is my sincere hope the United States doesn’t fall into the same trap as the European countries that lead the nation’s businesses and environment to genuine ruin. We should instead be making better and wiser use of our resources, technology, and innovation.

Faux Controversy: Holiday Season

Here I just point out the misconceptions, misperceptions, and the inane notion by some that Christian culture is somehow threatened by being inclusive, diverse, and hospitable to those who are different.

The War on Christmas

And yet again the hue and cry of the right wingers is out again over the supposed “War on Christmas”. Funny how the rest of the year their happy as clams but come December suddenly the evil world is out to destroy their beliefs. (If your beliefs can be so easily destroyed perhaps you truly don’t believe in them in the first place.) And yet again they trot out the same old complaints:

Public schools increasingly call Christmas vacation something like “winter break.”

Winter break is more accurate given a number of religious and secular celebrations occur during this time (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, New Years, etc.,) . But then a number of rightwing religious extremists don’t want to admit that Christmas came about by assimilating pagan holidays in order to placate their converts.

Students and teachers are discouraged or prohibited from wishing each other “Merry Christmas,” preferring “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings” instead.

I’ve never, ever seen a prohibition or discouragement over how one expresses the season. Most people I know have always said Happy Holidays simply because the understand the season has different connotations for different people, even amongst Christians. But then the right wing extremists also don’t want people to realize that their kindred spirits in the past (i.e. Puritans) have tried to get Christmas banned on the grounds that it’s pagan. What about Jehovah’s Witnesses, regardless of public opinion are Christian, reject all holidays as pagan?

Christmas trees are either banned or called “winter trees.”

Again I’ve never seen Christmas trees banned personally, though yes there have been stories in the news about such banning. But have you also noted that these tree banning are usually extremely rare events and often decried even by those who normally oppose religious intrusion into secular life. Side note: according to the bible the practice of modern day Christmas trees is that of non-Christians and viewed as wrong.

Public-school Christmas programs, er, pardon me, “winter programs,” go heavy on “Frosty the Snowman” and “Deck the Halls,” but the traditional Christmas carols are censored.

Again, have never seen it but read about it. Again when noted, it is extremely rare event and often reconsidered when the local people at the school how ridiculous the decision is.

Retail store employees are instructed to wish their customers “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings” rather than “Merry Christmas.”

Phft. Get real. So being inclusive of all people, and Christian sects as well, is somehow anti-Christian.

Retail catalogs tout their goods as perfect for “the season” but avoid mentioning Christ or Christmas.

If they are not selling Christian inspired goods or religious paraphernalia why should they mention either Christ or Christmas. This is just the old attacking business for appealing to as many customers as possible.

Christmas cards, if I may call them that, wish our friends the “joys of the season” but commonly omit the “Reason for the season.”

Again, Christianity assimilated pagan beliefs. Even Christian scholars agree Christ was not born in December, so the “reason of the season” argument is invalid.

Public buildings such as city halls, fire and police departments, etc., feature holiday displays with holly, reindeer, and candy canes, but no manger scenes and no Baby Jesus.

While I could care less about holiday displays again it comes down to the season not only being unique to Christianity. Many such places choose the more secular elements understanding that visitors and workers at these areas are not necessarily Christian, and even being Christian may not agree with religious symbols being used.

These practices are far from universal. But they are increasing, and they are part of a concerted drive to cleanse the public arena from any and all vestiges of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage.

And here the argument is shown to be fake by bringing in “Judeo-“. Their argument is to defend Christianity, which is definitely not Jewish in origin aside from Jesus being born of Jewish parents.

The author then goes on a tear about how to, in essence, punish stores for not being Christian enough. So much for tolerance. Two example of the same intolerance these extremists claim they are facing:

Choose your Christmas cards carefully, concentrating on the message.
Don’t buy cards that just use that bubbleheaded phrase “Seasons
Greetings,” no matter how attractive they may be. And to have greater
effect, tell the store manager why you’re not buying those cards.

Why is the phrase bubbleheaded? Because it’s not Christian? That makes me think the author himself is “bubbleheaded” and lacking in the same good Christian morals he claims to be living by.

At gatherings where Christmas songs are sung, to the extent that you have a voice, urge the singing of the traditional carols. And if those carols are sung, I wouldn’t object to a mix that includes nontraditional songs like “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” or even (gaahh!) “Please, Santa Baby.”

Perhaps “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” is not a traditional song for the article’s author, but in my family (most being Methodist) it is considered a traditional song. This just highlights the differences even between Christian sects over what is and is not “traditionally” Christmas. “Please, Santa Baby” is just plain drivel to me, but I’m certain there is someone out there that considers it traditional as well.

Now there are a number of genuine complaints Christians could make particularly one generated by the equally extremist Atheist groups out there that target banning Christian symbols and traditions but do not target Jewish, Pagan, or other religious entities. That is equally wrong and egregious as Christians trying to impose their beliefs into secular life. It”s also wrong, in my opinion, for groups to use the holiday season to denigrate Christianity as some have done by taking out adds and displays that in effect mock religion in general and Christians in particular.

The fact is the United States is a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-sectarian nation. There is always going to be someone who claims their culture, ethnicity, or religion is somehow threatened by others. What makes such claims unbelievable is when the group claiming they are threatened, in this case Christianity, in fact the majority, as most U.S. citizens claim Christianity as their religion.

This “War” nonsense just comes of as Christian extremists stirring up trouble when their are greater concerns that would be better served, especially in this poor economic time, by these supposedly good Christian people: feeding and clothing the poor, comforting and aiding the ill and invalid, assisting the unemployed and dispossessed, et. al, rather than ranting and raving over trivialities like a greeting card or how a business chooses to conduct themselves.