Woe to the Republic: SCOTUS Betrays America

When I was a child, I had no doubts what so ever that the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States would always make the correct decision, a decision that balanced the rights of the individual American citizen with the principles and Rights enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. Until recently, I still believed in the wisdom and guidance of the SCOTUS. But that belief and support was heavily eroded by decision that curtailed individual property rights in favor of corporate controlled politicians, of declaring corporations not only equal to an individual person but by their decision gave de facto greater rights to corporations over that of the common man, and the destructive and corruptive Citizen’s United decision. 

The Supreme Court has betrayed America. Today the SCOTUS made a decision that has ended my belief that the Justices make decisions based on preserving U.S. citizens rights and preserving the Constitution. Today, the SCOTUS said the individual mandate in ObamaCare will stand. In other words, Americans are property– slaves to the whims of the corrupt, vindictive, and greedy politicians and bureaucrats of the U.S. government.

That’s right my fellow citizens, we’ve returned to bad old days of slavery except this time it’s not limited to one race or area of the country, it’s all of us. Worse, this new incarnation of slavery is codified in law and approved by the very Court that is supposed to help prevent the rise of dictatorship in our government. With this ruling, the SCOTUS has said the government can force any American to buy a product by including a “tax”, as the SCOTUS so quaintly justified their traitorous decision, as punishment for refusal to partake in what ever commerce they demand of you.

Is this the America you want? The next time a corporation or bank has financial trouble, do you really want the government to be able to order you to buy that corporation’s or bank’s product? Well, that’s exactly the dangerous precedent the SCOTUS  made today. In the yes of the government, you are not a citizen, or an individual, you are property. And believe me, there are plenty of wanna-be dictators in our government who will look to use this decision to strip away Americans of their rights and freedoms. All one need do to see evidence of this is to look at the previously mentioned curtailments of property rights and granting supremacy of corporate personhood over the individual to see the path to a dictatorship in this country is fast approaching.

The question is this: will Americans stand for this or fight back against the forces within our nation that want to destroy it for their personal wealth and power? A part of me wants to give up and leave the country as it looks less and less like the nation of opportunity, change, and freedom of my youth. But a bigger part of me wants to fight back and reclaim my country and turn it back to a beacon of freedom and liberty and individuality. I for one, will fight, be it at the ballot box, in the courts, or, if it comes to this terrible last resort, in the streets against the rise of dictatorship in this nation. Despite the corruption of our government, I think America is still worth fighting for.

What will you do, my fellow Americans?

The only good thing about the decision by the SCOTUS: it revealed Obama’s blatant lie that the individual mandate was not a tax. The SCOTUS clearly stated it mandate was (even though they ignore basic economic principle that you are a not a participant in an economic activity if you chose not to partake in said activity). That makes Obama, Pelosi and Reid LIARS! Seems that Representative who called Obama a liar was absolutely correct.

Woe to the Republic!

SCOTUS Strikes Down MT 100 Year Old Anti-Corruption Law

A bad decision by the SCOTUS occured to day, though many have missed it given the Court’s decision on Arizona’s SB1070.

The SCOTUS struck down Montana’s century old law, the Corrupt Practices Act of 1912, limiting corporate political spending, arguing that the Citizen’s United ruling applies to the Montana law. Sadly this decision was made in the face of overwhelming historical evidence of Montana’s position that the independent expenditures corrupt or create the appearance of corruption.

It still boggles my mind that the SCOTUS says corporations have free speech or even accept the notion of corporate personhood when by their very definition a corporation is not a person but a legal construct of an organization form with government approval to act as an artificial person to carry on business or other activities. On several counts by definition makes it clear that a corporation is not a person.

I still have to wonder what is going on in the Supreme Court with ridiculous rulings over the past decade giving more and more rights and powers to corporations while eroding the rights of the citizens of the United States. Sure I’ve been warning people to be alert for growing corporate hegemony (and often laughed at for these claims) yet here we are with more and more rulings asserting the right of corporate supremacy over that of the citizen and individual.

SCOTUS Ruling on AZ SB1070

The United States Supreme Court made what can only really be called a split decision over Arizona’s SB1070 immigration law. Some see it as a win for the state of Arizona, others as a win for Federal supremacy. I did laugh at the range of headlines form assorted newspapers and internet sites in response to ruling as it became evident what political stripe said groups were in based on their choice of headline. Perhaps the most amusing was HuffPuff’s (aka Huffington Post) use of the term “gutted”
 in their headline, when the ruling was actually quite the opposite.

What was upheld:

  1. Allowing local law enforcement officers to attempt to verify the immigration
    status of a person who has been stopped or detained for violating other laws,
    including moving vehicle violations.

This was one of the hot button issues involved with the law and one most often criticized as an overreach by the state of Arizona into Federal powers. With this ruling, the SCOTUS has made it clear that enforcement of immigration law for non-immigration related issues is lawful and appropriate.

What was struck down:

  1. A crime for illegals to be in Arizona.
  2. A crime for illegals to seek employment in Arizona.
  3. Authorized police officers to make warrantless arrests of anyone they believed had made a deportable offense.

I could see why these three were struck down. They could be seen as violating an array of laws and civil rights such as double jeopardy and protections from illegal search seizure to name but two.

Ultimately it is what it is: a split decision of which neither side can claim
complete victory. Already the pro-illegal supporters claim victory while
the anti-illegal supporters also do so. Overall, I’d say the decision was an minor victory for Arizona as the SCOTUS kept a key provision that the Federal government argued was their purview alone. That alone was a slap at the current administration’s dictatorial attitude and arrogant self righteousness of the Department of Justice towards the States.  I also see the decision as a push by the SCOTUS against the Federal government to start enforcing existing U.S. immigration law and working on genuine reform, not just pandering and declarative amnesty by politicians looking to be re-elected to office.

Regardless of the decision, it still does not address keys issues that needs to be resolved by the United States: immigration reform and illegal immigrants. Obama simply can not “wave his hand” and claim so called “Dreamers” effectively a free pass and not bring on the ire of many American citizens and legal immigrants, especially in states that bore the brunt of illegals eating up local services, who are tired of government policies that give the perception (rightly or wrongly) of favoring illegals and law breakers over those are citizens, legal residents, and law abiding. Solve the immigration policies and problems and you’ll solve much of the debate and concern over illegal aliens.

Unfortunately, given the issues surrounding illegals has been around since long before I was born and we have self serving politicians more interested in their party and their greed than the well being of the nation I don’t see any resolution coming in the near future. All I see is pandering and promises to Hispanics in vain attempts to get votes, not workable solutions.