Av, Sci & Tech News Bits

Scientists hide gold with 3D invisibility cloak | Reuters

The findings, published in the journal Science on Thursday, could in the future make it possible to make large objects invisible, but for now the researchers said they were not keen to speculate on possible applications.

Well it’s useless to speculate about the already acknowledged goal.

F-35 fighter makes first vertical landing | Reuters

.:: Aero-News Network: General Aviation Serves America’ Campaign Grows By Going Local ::.

Business & Technology | EADS may make bid for tanker contract | Seattle Times Newspaper

November Is Coming

Since it appears likely the U.S. Congress is going to ignore the wishes of the American people and pass Obamacare in all its unconstitutional ugliness I present American’s For Prosperity’s petition to vote out members of Congress who vote in favor of Obamacare.

November is Coming… | Sign the Petition Today!

Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). -Ayn Rand

Regime Change 2010!

Gen Sheehan on DADT

Gen. John Sheehan says Gays Weakened Dutch Military in Bosnia – AOL News

The stupid, it burns!

It amazes me that this retired General ignores the simple facts regarding the Dutch failure in Bosnia (unworkable operational orders, lack of training, light weaponry and limited equipment) to push his own bigotry. Does he really believe a small number of homosexuals serving their military weaken a military? Blaming the soldiers is the thinking of officers and leaders who fail to admit to their own incompetence.