Cool Science: Noctilucent Clouds

Who say’s science can’t be cool? Noctilucent or “night shining” clouds clouds fit into my category as cool.

For more information and images: Strange Clouds

Too bad I can’t see any from where I live. Some of them are quite spectacular in appearance.

Iran Protests Continue

“Marg bar dictator” continues to be shout from the rooftops nightly.

The protests in Iran are still occurring despite threats from the Ayatollah and the ongoing arrests and harassment of the opposition. Hopefully the protesters won’t back down or be bludgeoned into submission but I suspect that is exactly what the Ayatollah and his minions plan. While it’s nice to see the world (US, UN, Europe, et al) opposing the attempted crackdown I don’t really think it means much to AJad and his ilk.

Lost in the ensuing protests and violence is the truth of who actually won the elections or whether the elections were legitimate or not. Sadly, and predictably, this will likely never be known given the Iranian government’s own behavior. Given the attacks on opposition members, threats by the regime to kill protesters for “violating Islamic law” and rumors of Arabs (suspected by some to be Hezbollah and Hamas elements (German)) amongst the thugs attacking people it is becoming more likely that the election was last by AJad and his crowd. But now we’ll likely never know for certain. For that matter is Moussavi even that much different than Ajad as far as policy and approach? He is, afterall, still a conservative in Iran, only slightly less so than Ajad.

What’s more inspiring is the apparent groundswell of support for the opposition in Iran despite the attempted crackdown. Whether it’s from concerned people around the world turning their Facebook pages, twitter, and other internet sites green to support the opposition to the ongoing citizen journalists bravery in reporting events it’s inspiring to watch those stand up for what they believe in.

More interesting stuff over at Sandmonkey along with some humorous thoughts and images.