Thoughts to counter the “Plan”

Obama’s new story on government health care | WmWms

Notice the shift? It appears Obama would like us to believe that there is a meaningful distinction between the government directly forcing you out of your current health care coverage, and the government financially incentivizing your employer to force you out of your current health care coverage.

Be sure to read the entire post and associated articles. Nice catch. Too bad it seems some don’t see anything wrong with incentivizing employers to force employees onto government rolls. So much for choice. I like the nickname for the impending fiasco: ObamaCare.

Keep the debate simple : Opinion : Ventura County Star A nice, clear concise opinion piece that nicely sums up my own opinions and opposition to the Obama health care “reforms”.

Personally I am exceptionally pleased that Arizona’s member of the Obama panel, Kyrsten Sinema, rejects the proposed Obama Health Plan. And this being from Sinema, who actually likes the idea of a national program. She at least gets that she is there to act on the behalf of the will of her constituents, not the national party wanna-be dictators or even the President.

Hey even the Green Party rejects Obama’s health care plans. Why? Because it isn’t socialist enough for them because it leaves the private insurance companies in place. How positively communist of them.

Greens reject the ‘public health care option’ promoted by many Democratic politicians and pro-Democrat liberal groups, since a public option will leave the private health insurance industry intact and not curb the current inefficiencies and soaring costs of health care.

Their stance is amusing when you look at the proposed legislation and whatnot. Guess what? There’s no curb for inefficiencies and soaring costs regardless of a government only insurance or not. There’s not even such cost saving measures in the very system they want established. But then the Greens rarely deal with facts, in my experience.

The faults in the health care system need to be addressed methodically and without favoritism for one group, ideaology, or socio-political agenda over another. First, costs and the reasons for those costs (i.e. aging populace, obesity, poor lifestyles, lack of exercise, unemployment, low wages, et al). Second, ineffeciencies and the reasons for those ineffeciencies (lack of access to medical information, lack of medical personnel, lack of medical facilities and clinics, Pharma companies, government laws and redtape, lack of generics, frivolous malpractice suits and the resulting insurance rates, et al). Deal with those two primary reasons for health care expenses and you’ll likely deal with the entire problem. Stripping away the free market facade in favor of a government facade does nothing to address the underlying systemic problem.

Is the honeymoon over?

One can only hope, but I doubt it.

So Obama had a Q&A today and is having another propaganda fest tomorrow on ABC, which I’ll be avoiding out of the principle of censorship on the part of that network. ABC can make all the claims they want that what they’re doing tomorrow is not censorship by denying an opposing voice to Obama’s health care “reform” but that’s exactly what it is in classic Soviet fashion.

Now today’s presser was, for me, more interesting to watch Obama get huffy with reporters who questioned his activities than anything else. After all, the rest was simply half truths, hypocrisy, lies, wishful thinking, and an intentional insertion of a blogger into the press conference in order for Obama to make himself look better on his Iran statements. It’s funny how he instantly alway frowned and tensed up in obvious displeasure when somebody questioned him. The worst was his obnoxious dismissal of one reporter near the end so that he could quickly get a kiss ass question from a CNN “reporter’. I did take heart that it appears the MSM is finally starting to act like an independent free press. That or just getting good at pretending to be an independent free press.

That said, there was plently to mock. So what was covered?

Obama making the rediculous claim of being 95% cured of his smoking habit. Kinda like being 95% pregnant eh? Ri-ight. Sorry, but the President has no right to be acting holier than thou about smoking when he himself has not quit.

His covering his ass on a government run health care system, in effect saying he has no problems with destroying yet another American industry in order to expand the government’s corrupt little tendrils into people’s lives.

He doesn’t think there’s a need for a third stimulus package….wait for it…wait for it…Yet! Yes, our lovely litle Prez wants another stimulus package which the country can not afford just in time to save his colleagues asses in Congress from when the American public vents their frustration at them for effectively economically crippling the country for the forseeable future.

Apparently Mr. Obama thinks South America consists of one country, Chile. Okay he did mention another, Brazil. Too bad his question was asked with regards to South America in general.

Guess he’s touchy about his ears for some reason. Note to the Prez: someone using the name Spock is not always referring to you. For that matter, note #2: the universe does not revolve around you.