
CARBONGATE – Global Warming Study Censored by EPA « Watts Up With That? (via Watts Up With That?) If this is true, and it appears that it is, then this is what’s wrong with the debate over the environment in this country and through out the world. Scientific reports suppressed by government agencies to push political agendas of the administrations.

Censored report can be read here.

Waxman-Markey Bill

As many know the House of Representatives started voting on the Waxman-Markey Bill. Somethings people likely don’t know since it hasn’t been widely reported:

There’s Still a Long Road Ahead for U.S. Climate Legislation No Matter What Happens to the Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Trade Bill – Environmental Capital – WSJ In other words, the Senate is not going to touch the issue with a ten foot pole this session. If ever. In effect it’s dead.

Greenpeace Opposes Waxman-Markey |
You know your bill is in trouble when even one of the world’s best known environmental group is against it. And wanting it to be scientifically based at that! Bet that crushes the cookies of some of the more extremist environmentalists who think dogma is more important than scientific evidence.

Iran Crisis

The crisis in Iran appears to be continuing amazingly enough two weeks on, though it is difficult to tell with the increasingly restrictive flow of information. What has been shown is fractures among the ruling elite and the rallies seem to be fading for a long social and political battle that will be played out in the shadows and nights of Iran, not unlike how the Islamic Revolution started 30 years ago. It appears Mousavi is standing firm for now. Certainly the government there has been quick and harsh to quash any sort of dissent or free expression. The Iranian soccer team learned this. As did professors. And of course the protesters injured and killed by the Ayatollahs’ thugs.

Of course, AJ spewed his usual rhetoric about American interference in Iran and demanded an apology. Not surprising since he (AJ) views Obama as untested and weak.

I am pleased that the administration withdrew the Fourth of July invitations to the Iranian diplomats. There’s diplomacy and then there’s just outright bad form as was the case this time. You don’t invite diplomats of a nation murdering it’s political opponents to a celebration many Americans feel symbolizes freedom.